Project presentation

Project purpose


The development of an instrument of monitoring the HE graduates’ insertion on the labour market, that shall facilitate the correlation between the educational offer and the labor market requirements, at national and EU level.  
This project is intended to respond to the following current needs of civil society and labor market:
-    Improvement of the teaching process, correlated with the labor market requirements and the necessary skills, competences and abilities of HE graduates;
-    The need for information concerning the professional evolution, at different moments in time after graduation, correlated with a series of social-biographic and educational descriptors (necessary feedback for HE system improvement);
-    Periodic monitoring of social and professional insertion of  graduates, in order to improve the relevance of the HE educational offer compared to the labor market demand and the improvement of students’ education level;
-    Development and consolidation of the institutional capacity to perform this regular monitoring, at relevant time periods;
-    Knowing the offer capacity of the educational system and its correlation with the estimated labor market requirements;
-    Justifying the national and institutional decisions concerning the of national employment policy implementation;
-    Raising responsibility of the social partners on education issues;
-    More efficient investment in human resources (graduates), reflected by the HE system results.

General objective

The general objective of this project is to establish the extent to which the acquired knowledge allows the graduates to get hired on the labor market, to develop their own business or continue the higher education studies on the next level and study continuously. The study shall follow up the social-professional career immediately after graduation and during a period sufficient for reaching a professional level and getting an individual perception on the individual professional and employment needs.

Specific objectives

  • Identification of the graduate’s competences at the end on his education career

  • Correlation between the education career and acquired competences on the one hand, and the graduate’s social-biographic profile on the other hand

  • Establishment of the extent to which the graduate uses in his professional career the competences acquired during the education period

  • Development, testing and consolidation of institutional instruments, at national and university level, in order to perform the periodic monitoring of labor market insertion of HE graduates

  • Promoting and supporting the national level methodological approaches concerning the tracer studies related to graduates’ insertion on the labor market
  • Project partner - University of Kassel, Germany, The International Centre For Higher Education Research

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October 2024

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