Data protection

Ensuring data confidentiality

1. Where does the university get information regarding my address data?
The addresses (contact data) of graduates at the time of graduation are collected and saved by the university in accordance with the statutes on personal data collection and processing. This data are collected by the university team in a restricted access electronic database and will be use exclusively for the purpose of this survey.
Due to the fact that some of the graduates' contact data may be out of date after a certain period from graduation, the institutional team from each university  validates the data.

2. Why is the university allowed to use the graduate’s address data for this graduate survey?
The graduate’s address data may only be transferred and processed within the university for scientific purposes or in order to fulfil the tasks of the university. Both conditions are met within the framework of this graduate survey:
a) The graduate survey at the university is part of the nationwide University Graduates and Labour Market project under the coordination of UEFISCDI, co-funded by the European Social Fund and implemented in partnership with public and private universities in Romania. UEFISCDI does not have access to the personal data of the contacted graduates, its role being that of gathering the graduates’ responses from all the participating universities and analysing the data for scientific purposes only, at the same time ensuring personal data protection and response anonymity.
b) The results of this survey will be used in the universities for the purpose of improving their study programmes and for quality management in teaching and study.
Saved address data will not be used for any other purpose than that of inviting and reminding the graduates to participate in the graduate survey. The address data will be processed by employees of the university only.
All employees who have access to personal data during the project are subject to current data protection laws. In this context, providing address data to third parties is strictly prohibited and will remain so even after these employees no longer work for the university.

3. What is the purpose of the access code?
Each graduate receives a randomly generated access code in his/her invitation. With this code the graduate can access the online questionnaire, which will protect it from unauthorized access. Through the control of the used access codes it is also possible to see who has already filled in the questionnaire. These graduates will not receive further reminder

4. How is the online survey handled?
For logging in into the anonymous online survey one will use the accces code given in the invitation letter.
During the data collection phase of the survey, the answers will be saved in a database on the central server of the project.
At the end of the online questionnaire there is a section where the graduate can update his/her contact data in order to receive the results of the study or to take part in future studies.
To ensure the anonymity of the respondents and the information they fill in, the contact data will be saved and used separately from the questionnaire answers. The universities will use the address data only for the stated purposes (e.g. participation in follow-up survey, sending a summary of the final report).
At the end of data collection, the survey data will be processed statistically by the central team and each university will receive the anonymous data (that is, without name and address) for own analysis.

5. Results
The results of this study will be published for scientific purposes only and will not include personal conclusions on universities or individuals.

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