
Only 2 days left for filling in the on-line questionnaire

Only 2 days left for filling in the on-line questionnaire

Only two days have left for the bachelor graduates of the 2005 and 2009 cohorts to fill in the on-line monitoring questionnaire, thus taking part at the first national study that tracks the relationship between university studies and professional career. Starting with 1st April the on-line application on the project’s site will no longer be available, the data to be taken into consideration for the processing stage having to be registered on-line or on paper prior to this term.

Until now, approximately 39 000 graduates out of almost 160 000 contacted have filled in the on-line questionnaire. At the end of this process, their answers will be processed and analyzed by the Romanian experts of UEFISDCI in cooperation with the representatives of the German partner, INCHER.

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July 2024

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